Saturday, November 21, 2009


This year's cookie exchange and Christmas party will be Dec 12th at 7pm. I will be hosting it 3886 White Cliff Way. This is a GREAT time for newcomers and regulars to come together show off their baking skills (or someone else's) and have a great time socializing, exchanging a White Elephant gift, and playing a game or two if you'd like.

So, what you need to do is simply think of a cookie, brownie or any treat that you would like to make into at least 24 servings. We're not picky and would LOVE a variety so think outside the box on toppings or variations of things.

Things to bring:
1. 24 individual servings of your treat
2. container to put the ones you're taking home of everyone else's (I will have gallon baggies if you forget or don't have a good sized container)
3. Something yummy to drink (I could used a few people who could bring a non-sweet appetizer instead of a drink)
4. a new purchased white elephant gift worth $10 or less to exchange... this can be funny or practical, your choice
(definately not mandatory and not a big deal to sit out on this...I will have a fun game for those not participating to play and win some prizes)
5. a neighbor if you can...please spread the word!!

Please consider coming it's a great time and I would love to meet more of you. We will all have name tags on and have a chance to get to know everyone and have lots of fun snacking and drinking our yummy drinks (P.S. I would like a wines,alcohols, juices, and pop are all welcome).

I just need a general heads up of who's coming and if you'd be so kind as to share your recipe, I will post it here on the blog so everyone can attempt to make your treat again.

Hope to see you soon!

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